Every family has a distinct combination of history, experiences, faith and culture that shape our identity. Minnesotans for Health & Parental Rights is passionate about fostering community connections and empowering individuals to advocate for the freedom to make personalized decisions for our families.

Connecting the Community: More than a cause, a family.

One of our passions here at MHPR is connecting people to resources on health, parenting, providers and products that can support their families. We love participating in events like the Holistic Roundtable, Annual Global Health Summit, MACHE Convention, Northland Homeschool Convention, County Fairs, etc... - as well as hosting our own annual Healthy Families Farm Fair, Holiday Bazaar, Candidate Panels and Educational Forums.

One of the main reasons MHPR was founded was to be a conduit for tangible support. We were known first as Minnesota Health Freedom but as the community grew, so did the variety of needs that branched into all types of health & parenting. Whether it be how to write an exemption, where to access disability services, how to homeschool, how to caucus, how a bill becomes a law- there is power in our community connection.

Today, it's becoming increasingly necessary for families to step out of our comfort zones, outside our homes, jobs and schools, to bring our experiences and concerns to our lawmakers. Lobbyists are just employees of any given issue, it's the people who live the reality of every law, bill or mandate. We believe that effective advocacy is all about building relationships. MHPR hosts community engagement days during session and education opportunities in the off season for anyone who wants to learn about the political process & connect with their legislators in person.

One of the biggest honors MHPR has had is in hosting the Annual Health Freedom & Parental Rights Capitol Days (since 2015) & Rallies at the Minnesota State Capitol (since 2019). Families from all over the state travel on one day each February to show legislators the care and strength of community in person. We are the people and we are here to stay.
"The rights of every man are diminished when the rights of one man are threatened."
John F. Kennedy