While many mandates have ended for adults, military, healthcare and some private sector employers are still requiring records or exemptions. Below you will find a list of legal nonprofits that have put easy to understand resources together. If you follow their advice and are still denied, document everything and please contact us for next steps at info@mnrights.org .
Free comprehensive resource by First Liberty’s expert attorneys. Includes detailed legal references on your rights, how to apply for an accommodation, sample letters. These letters are tailored for various faith backgrounds, students, government employees and military service members. If you are denied, there is a place to request free legal help.
Liberty Counsel is a Christian ministry committed to protecting legal rights of religion expression. Their resource includes step by step links to laws, videos, sample letters of various faiths, all to utilize in applying for a religious accommodation. If you are denied, there is a place to request free legal help.
Alliance For Defending Freedom focuses on five core areas: religious freedom, freedom of speech, sanctity of life, marriage and family, and parental rights. They may be able to assist with or refer matters to their Allied Attorney network that involve bona fide religious objections to the COVID-19 vaccines. Non-religious objections, such as those based on medical, health, cultural, or political concerns—although they may be valid—are outside the scope of ADF’s mission.
The Thomas More Society is a not-for-profit, national public interest law firm dedicated to restoring respect in law for life, family, and religious liberty. Based in Chicago, the Thomas More Society defends and fosters support for these causes by providing high quality pro bono legal services from local trial courts all the way to the United States Supreme Court.
In addition to the immediate exemption situation, long term change comes through the people connecting with their representatives and venturing into local politics. Most of us never wanted to be political but the times have made it necessary. We’ve found the most effective way to have our voices heard is by building honest, organic relationships with school, city, state and/or national leaders. It sounds intimidating but something as simple as sending emails, engaging on social media, attending a coffee hour or helping make phone calls for your favorite candidate can start the ball rolling and make a difference. If you’d like to learn more about those options and other family friendly events, keep an eye on our email list and website as it will be updated soon with links.