2025/2026 Legislative Biennium
2025 open as of 12pm, January 14th, 2025
What is Self Advocacy? Self Advocacy is, quite simply, the act of representing oneself or one's views or interests. Special interest groups and lobbyists are as numerous as the opinions of the people (or industries/corporations) but only YOU know what your family needs represented in St. Paul and Washington DC.
What does that really mean? YOU matter. Your family matters. Your needs and experiences matter. Our legislators need to know and hear from you. This page will keep current bills relevant to Health & Parental Rights posted so you can call, email and meet with your lawmakers.
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You can always search & subscribe to follow bills here: https://www.leg.mn.gov/leg/legis
HF22 / SF1707 Parent's Bill of Rights to restore basic parental rights to education, medical decisions and data privacy. Senator Mathews, Representatives Gillman, Duran, Engen, Zeleznikar, Kresha, Knudsen, Bennett, Burkel, Harder, Allen, Backer, Niska, Warwas, McDonald, Rymer, Baker, Murphy, Gander, Koznick, Schultz, Hudson, Gordon, Altendorf, Sexton.​
Hearing 2/12/2025 @ 3PM, Capitol Building Room 123 | MHPR Written Testimony | Passed on to the Education Policy Committee.
Hearing 2/26/25 @3PM, Capitol Building G23 | MHPR Written Testimony | Parents' Bill of Rights FAQ
SF83 The No Patient Alone Act to protect patient's rights to have a support person with them at all times. Senator Rarick.
SF256 to protect disabled students rights to access their service animals during school hours. Senators Abeler, Hoffman, Bahr & Kreun.
SF389 / HF1300 to prohibit denying public assistance based on vaccination status. Senator Lieske, Wesenberg, Bahr, Green & Hoffman, Representatives Roach, Davids, Knudsen.
SF457 / HF892 to allow parents to opt children out of face mask requirements at school. Senator Utke, Representatives Kudsen, Davis, Joy, Engen, Altendorf, Stier, Backer, Zeleznikar.
SF709 to prohibit employers from requiring the public display of health information (like vaccination status) of it's employees. Senators Lucero & Wesenberg.
SF753 to protect parental rights to review curriculum and require parental consent to sex education. Senators Coleman, Mathews, Drazkowski, Housley, Lucero.
SF839 / HF91 to require a parent or guardian presence to administer a vaccination to a minor child. Senators Koran, Gruenhagen, Lieske, Utke, Representative Backer.
SF1113 / HF96 to require Medical Assistance to cover home birthing as an option. Senators Bolden & Maye Quade, Representative Sencer Mura.
SF1118 / HF101 to prohibit parent's contact information from being designated publicly accessible directory information. Senators Maye Quade, Lucero, Fateh, Representative Feist.
HF1018 / SF1923 to propose a MN constitutional amendment to protect parental choice in education. Representatives Kresha, Heintzeman, Bennett, Swedzinski, Senator Mathews.​
HF1584 / SF183 providing for informed consent for sensitive examinations of
an anesthetized or unconscious patient. Representatives Berg, Rarick, Moller, Virnig, Smith, Jordan, Mahamoud, Pursell, Senators Maye Quade, Coleman, Boldon, Port, Housley.
HF1614 / SF1682 modifying child in need of protection statutes to clarify that a lack of services or discharge options is not an unwillingness or inability to meet the child's needs. Representatives Kraft, Hicks, Hanson, Senator Maye Quade.
Governor Walz's Budget Proposal. Notable sections concerning families is the reductions to disability waiver funding, eliminating the nonpublic education school funding and removing coverage for chiropractic care for Medicaid patients.
SF2072 to require weekly wellness checks for students receiving online instruction to evaluate for abuse or maltreatment. Senator Mann. Concern: While the intention behind the bill might be to protect students, parents may object due to concerns about privacy, family autonomy, potential stigmatization, logistical issues, the risk of false reports, and the overall impact on the family dynamic.​​​​