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  • Abortion legalized to full term, no informed consent, parental consent or notifications.

  • Education standards adopted to mandate critical race theory and gender ideology be taught in public schools and be affirmed to be a licensed teacher.

  • Require schools participating in PSEO to remove faith statements for admissions. (Northwestern & Crown Colleges Suing.)

  • Sanctuary state status established for medical gender transitions for minors.

  • Amended current statute allowing courts to remove custody of children denied access to gender transition services.

  • REMOVED language in the MN Human Rights Act that stipulated minor attraction is NOT a sexual orientation.

  • Daycares can now develop policies to deny children with vaccine exemptions.



If you are a family impacted by any of the new laws passed, contact us.

We are working with local constitutional nonprofit attorneys to bring these violations

of our rights before the courts- for free.






  • Homeschool testing privacy protected.

  • Religious exemptions restored to the Human Rights Act, protecting faith based organizations from being required to serve or hire those who don’t align with their beliefs.

  • Unfettered Assisted Suicide bill failed to get enough support to pass.

  • Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) dies in the Senate on the last day of session.



What was the New ERA?

It read: "Shall the Minnesota Constitution be amended to say that all persons shall be guaranteed equal rights under the laws of this state, and shall not be discriminated against on account of race, color, national origin, ancestry, disability, or sex, including pregnancy, gender, and sexual orientation?” Why oppose it?



  • Instead of removing the religious exemption from the HRA, they proposed to modify the ERA.

  • Passage would have enshrine unlimited rights to abortion and gender services regardless of age.

  • Passage would have compelled service, jobs, facilities, sports, memberships and more (regardless of whether an individual accepts the beliefs of a private or religious entity).


What were the Challenges?



  • Fast moving legislation systematically eroded health freedoms & parental rights during the last 2 sessions.

  • The democrat trifecta controlling the House, Senate and Governor seat, as well as the Supreme Court, Secretary of State and Attorney General led to many issues they didn't align with being ignored or steamrolled.

  • While MHPR is non-partisan in nature, it’s a simple fact that it was the Democrats were the authors of the above negative legislation, while the Republicans fought for families and tried to pass protections.

  • Many Minnesotans have either moved away, feel disconnected or are new to citizen advocacy so don’t know where to begin.



What can be done?



  • Get to know your elected officials: Introduce yourself, talk about what’s important to you, support them on issues you agree on. If you align- encourage them. It makes a difference to know the people they serve are paying attention. if you don’t align- it’s okay for them to know they aren’t representing your needs.

  • Consider helping in elections: At a state level, 2024 is House Elections & 2026 is Senate & Governor Elections. At the federal level, 2024 is presidential & congressional elections. Get to know candidates! Helping can look like envelope stuffing, a sign in your yard, parade walking, calls, emails- whatever works for your schedule! You can also volunteer to be an election judge or poll challenger.

  • NOTE: In 2022 the Republicans only lost the House majority by 6 seats- less than 900 votes across them ALL. To regain the majority, they only need to win 4 seats. We may also see TWO Senate seats up for special elections due to a congressional race vacating one and pending felony charges against another. Flipping ONE of those would win the Senate back. What would Republican's winning the majority back in at least one body do? It would stop future extreme legislation and bring balance back to the table.

  • WE CAN VOTE Election Day on November 5th!

  • Local political engagement: You can check out your local political party operating unit, caucus, city council meetings, school board and more!

  • You can also get involved with us at MHPR! We are 100% volunteer run, none of us are paid. We are all just families like you! We do this because we believe strongly in the power of community supporting one another and family advocacy in bringing our own concerns to our lawmakers. That’s a kind of powerful impact that money can’t buy -and it’s why we are known from the capitol to the hospital to your local school circles and beyond.

  • Donate: DYK every adult can donate $75 to the state candidate of your choice and get a full REFUND? See: . Want to Donate to MHPR? We are 100% volunteer run and can always use resources for printing and educational events to support freedom: .


Most importantly- Don’t lose hope! Minnesota isn’t as divided as the media portrays.

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