2020 Health & Parental Rights Survey
Candidates received an email link to an online survey platform of the below questions. All questions assume there are no legal, custodial or criminal situations that would alter the typical role of the parents. Candidates listed below are who responded. If you would like to personally invite a candidate to participate, please email info@mnrights.org for the link! We will update the list right up until election day as more respond.
Questions are loosely based off Minnesota's Parents' Bill of Rights which filed in 2020. Due to Covid, it did not receive a hearing, but it summarizes the mission of our volunteer families as well as our organization & that of parentalrights.org whom we partner with. You can read the bill HERE. We will certainly be back next session, now more than ever we need to secure our rights!
SCHOOL CHOICE: Do you feel parents should be who determines the mode of education a minor child receives?
RECORDS ACCESS: Do you feel parents should have full access to medical and educational records?
FAITH: Do you feel parents should direct the moral or religious upbringing of their family?
INFORMED CONSENT: Do you feel parents should have the right to accept or decline medical interventions in coordination with the healthcare team of their choice?
EDUCATION ACCESS: Do you feel there should be equal access to public education regardless of personal medical decisions on things like medical testing, antibody levels or immunization schedules?
PARENTAL CONSENT: Do you feel there should be parental consent before any (non-emergent) examination or medical intervention of a minor child?
ADULTS: Do you feel adults should have the right to accept or decline medical testing and interventions without discrimination from healthcare providers, employers, learning institutions, etc...?
STATE OF EMERGENCY: Do you support retaining the aforementioned rights even, or especially, during times of state or national emergencies?
Additional Quotes or Information
Candidate Name
District/Response to Q1-8
Additional Information
Jim Abeler
Senate District 35 YES
Bruce Anderson
Senate District 29 YES
Co-Author: 2020 Parents Bill of Rights
Jeff Backer
House District 12A YES
Co-Author: 2020 Parents Bill of Rights
Calvin Bahr
House District 31B YES
Michelle Benson
Senate District 31 YES
Co-Author: 2020 Parents Bill of Rights
Donna Bergstrom
Senate District 7 YES
"In US Supreme Court bedrock case Piece v. Society of Sisters, the unanimous Court held: "the fundamental liberty upon which all governments in this Union repose excludes any general power of the State to standardize its children by forcing them to accept instruction from public teachers only." And in Moore v. City of East Cleveland, "the Constitution protects the sanctity of the family precisely because the institution of the family is deeply rooted in this Nation’s history and tradition.” I hold a Master of Jurisprudence degree from Loyola Univ Chicago-School of Law in Children's Policy and Law."
Greg Boe
House District 47B YES
"Individual and parental rights must be primary, for all law-abiding citizens."
Roxanna Bruins
Senate District 45 YES
"Confidentiality and privacy is a very huge issue when it comes to information management. Confidentiality is a huge ethical and professional standard that should be kept private and between the provider and the patient or client."
Julia Coleman
Senate District 47 YES
Alexander Deputie
Senate District 67 YES
Bob Dettmer
House District 39A YES
Co-Author: 2020 Parents Bill of Rights
Jeff Dotseth
House District 11A YES
Steve Drazkowski
House District 21B YES
Zach Duckworth
Senate District 58 YES
Justin Eichorn
Senate District 5 YES
Sondra Erickson
House District 15A YES
Co-Author: 2020 Parents Bill of Rights
"Parents are in charge of raising their children and any legislative body needs to honor that principle with policies that support parents as first teachers and first decision-makers of their children and their future."
Susan Erickson
House District 41A YES
"Parents have ALL rights over their children."
Ken Fitzgerald
House District 45 YES
Mary Franson
House District 8B YES
Paul Gazelka
Senate District 9 YES
Glenn Gruenhagen
House District 18B YES
Chief Author: 2020 Parents Bill of Rights
Dan Hall
Senate District 56 YES
John Heinrich
House District 35A YES
Co-Author: 2020 Parents Bill of Rights
Josh Heintzeman
House District 10A YES
Co-Author: 2020 Parents Bill of Rights
"Keri and I homeschool our six children ranging in age from 4 to 19. We believe it's our responsibility as their parents to provide the best possible environment for them grow and develop. All too often there are those in government that believe they can do better than mom & dad, we disagree."
Jordan Herzog
House District 43B YES
"I believe parents should raise their children and the government should not interfere or degrade that right. Period."
Andrew Hjelle
House District 3B YES
Leilani Holmstadt
Senate District 54 YES
Karin Housley
Senate District 39 YES
Jeff Howe
Senate District 13 YES
Josef Jimenez
Senate District 57 YES
Sandra Jimenez
House District 57B YES
Lacy Johnson
Mark Johnson
Senate District 1 YES
Mary Kiffmeyer
Senate District 30 YES
Co-Author: 2020 Parents Bill of Rights
Eric Lucero
House District 30B YES
Andrew Mathews
Senate District 15 YES Chief Author: 2020 Parents Bill of Rights
Shane Mekeland
House District 15B YES
Tim Miller
House District 17A YES
"Parents raise children. Not the state."
Jeremy Munson
House District 23B YES
Pam Myhra
House District 56A YES
Jim Nash
House District 47A YES
Anne Neu
House District 32B YES
Marion O'Neill
House District 29B YES
Megan Olson
House District 57A YES
"Parental rights are extremely important, especially as they have been under attack in recent years here in Minnesota. Individuals know themselves and their families better than the government does and deserve to have autonomy over their lives."
Jason Rarick
Senate District 11 YES
Dori Trossen
House District 34B YES
Paul Utke
Senate District 2 YES
Nolan West
House District 37B YES