Did you know in Minnesota you have the right to opt out of:
The Kindergarten screening? You can. Many families prefer to handle any concerns with their own doctor at well child checks or private clinics, you don’t have to redo it through the school system and be a part of their database if you don't want to. You can conscientiously object: https://education.mn.gov/MDE/dse/early/scr/
Immunizations? If you have an personalized schedule for your family, you can opt out of any or all and still go to school. (https://www.revisor.mn.gov/statutes/cite/121a.15) All that’s required is a notarized statement from a parent saying you are filing an exemptn. You may use the state form, one of our templates below or you may even write your own. The important part is to sign it in the presence of a notary.
State tracking of your immunization records? The Department of Health collects your records and gives access to anyone in daycare, school or healthcare fields. Some families prefer to keep their own records. If you’d like to limit access to yours or remove them from the database, you can do so here: https://apps.health.state.mn.us/redcap/surveys/?s=EMYEDFRAKE
Standardized testing? Many families don’t feel the tests are accurate representations of skills and don’t wish to be a part of the teach to the test modes of education. Public & private school families CAN say no. (Homeschooled families currently cannot.) http://www.fairtest.org/get-involved/opting-out
Sex Ed? You have a right to review and opt in or out of any sex education curriculum for your child: https://www.revisor.mn.gov/statutes/cite/120B.20
The School Directory? Every school aged child is in an information directory. FERPA and the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act (“MGDPA”) require that the School District, with certain exceptions, obtain written consent prior to the disclosure of personally identifiable information from a student’s education records. The School District, however, may disclose appropriately designated “directory information” to certain parties without written consent, UNLESS the District has been advised to the contrary in writing ANNUALLY by a parent or eligible student. Homeschooled students who are registered using the MACHE forms are automatically opted out since it includes the appropriate language. Public and Private school students will have to ask their schools for their form or submit something like this form.
School? You have a right to homeschool! Here’s local law: https://www.mache.org/legal/
Legal resources:
What do you do if CPS is at your door? https://cpsdefense.com/ten-things-you-must-do-if-cps-knocks-at-your-door/