A year and a half of emergencies, orders, mandates & constantly changing goalposts has sent many moving from Minnesota. For those of us still here, can anything be done? WHAT can we do? We will be hosting a series of online learning sessions and community events to connect & share the options we have found that are most effective.
Thursday, September 30th, 8pm - Online Class: Religious Exemptions
View the session at:
Tuesday, October 26th, 8pm - Online Class: Intro to Getting Involved
View the session at:
Tuesday, November 3rd, 2021 - Online Class: Religious Exemptions
Join us for a discussion about current laws and best practices when filing a religious exemption. Find out what's been working and what hasn't.
Register for the event at: https://tinyurl.com/ajwx7592
Wednesday, December 1st, 7pm- Health Freedom & Parental Rights Gubernatorial Debate: https://ticketstripe.com/mnrights2022
Sunday, December 12th - Annual Holiday Bazaar, 4pm-8pm, Maple Grove
Friday, January 7th, 12pm - Capitol Tours (if open)
Tuesday, January 25th 8pm - Caucusing Online Learning Session
Friday, January 28th, 3:30pm - Capitol Tours (if open)
Monday, January, 31st - SESSION OPENS
Tuesday, February 1st - Caucus Night!
Thursday, February 3, 2pm, Rotunda - Annual Rally!